Meryl Moritz | Advisor |
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Ms. Meryl Moritz


“Coach U was a pioneer in the training of coaches. I hold the institution in highest regard for this reason. It turned out a generation of professionally trained coaches and with the other pioneering coach training programs gave new meaning to the word ‘coach’ and the practice of being a coach. It made holding a coaching certification attractive to people all over the world, with people in Australia, Europe, Japan, Latin America, and Singapore eager to experiment with this new discipline. Then, when coaching was in danger of becoming a fad rather than a respected field, Coach U started Corporate Coach U and offered a tool to organizational coaches to use with their clients, The Coaching Clinic. Professional coaching owes a big debt to Coach U for laying a foundation for what coaching has evolved to.”


Meryl is a global leadership coach and consultant, trained in organizational and cross-cultural dynamics. She works with leaders who are ascending to new roles and taking on additional responsibilities to increase their agility. Her clients remark that she is an excellent sounding board for them, helping them enhance their political and systems savvy; accelerate their capacity for influence and impact among their stakeholders; and develop a style of leadership that leverages their talents and is uniquely theirs.

Meryl is a serial entrepreneur, a global leadership coach and consultant and founder of New York-based Meryl Moritz Resources LLC. Her coaching draws on 20 years of international consulting, marketing, management and facilitation expertise. Prior to coaching, she was a senior executive at two international firms, Hill & Knowlton, Inc., global public relations and public affairs, and Louis Harris & Associates, public opinion and market research.


Since 1994, Meryl has coached entrepreneurs, leaders and their teams in public and private organizations across five continents. Her master’s degree is in organizational and cross-cultural dynamics, which informs her systems approach to coaching. With an emphasis on clients enhancing their leadership agility, Meryl’s mission is to enable leaders to successfully deal with relentless change. She is also a coach educator who has served on faculty of three major US university programs.


  • An Issue of Trust in Executive Coaching (V. 3, 2006, International Journal of Coaching in Organizations)
  • CoachTalk, Monthly Newsletter for Master Coaches (1999-2000)
  • Using Your Sales Force as a Vital Resource (1995, AMACOM)
  • Building a Coalition of Support (1994, Peter & Ellen Ruehlen Foundation)
  • The Human Side of High Technology (1986, DePauw University Press)
  • Electrotechnology and the Engineer (1985, IEEE/Spectrum)
  • Identifying the Best Prospects for Support of an International Assistance Agency (1982, City University of New York)


  • The Agile Coach (video workshop delivered to the ICF Executive & Leadership Community of Practice, 2018)
  • Agility for the Emerging Leader (workshop presented to New York Foundation for the Arts Emerging Leader Bootcamp, 2018)
  • Addressing the Agility Gap: One Approach – A demonstration of coaching for leadership agility to help drive organizational agility (presentation to 3rd International Columbia Coaching Conference, 2018)
  • Getting Decision-makers to Say “Yes!” to Coaching (virtual workshop of the Essence of Coaching Mastery Summit, 2017)
  • Building a Case for Organizational Coaching (workshop for PEMI Shanghai, 2016-2017)
  • “Co-creating Coaching Cultures” (Northeast Regional Event, 2015) Emcee & Presenter of ICF-PWC research
  • Creating a Coaching Culture (workshop for PEMI Shanghai, 2014)
  • Grow Yourself, Grow Your Clients, Grow Your Business (workshop for ICF Shanghai. 2014)
  • Mastery in Coaching (panel discussion ICF New York City, 2013)
  • The Future of Coaching (Tennessee Coaches Alliance, 2013)
  • Coaching: Your Credible Invitation (Georgia Coaching Alliance, 2013)
  • Leader as Team Coach (ICF Leadership Community teleconference, 2012)
  • Building Strategic Alliances in Coaching (ICF Leadership Community teleconference, 2012)
  • S.C.O.R.E. with Coaching (Cummins Engineering 2012, Nashville, TN)
  • The Language of Coaching (New Jersey Coaches Alliance 2011, Shrewsbury, NY)
  • Leaders’ Agility (Women’s Healthcare Executive Roundtable, 2011, Chicago, IL)
  • The Art of Giving & Receiving Feedback (The Chartis Group 2010, Chicago, IL)
  • Wisdom Circles – competencies in coaching (Global Conversations 2009, Ft. Lauderdale, FL)
  • Meaningful Intervention for Masterful Interaction (ICF ECC 2006, Brussels, Belgium)


  • 1995 – Entered 2-year Certified Coach Training Program
  • 1998 – 2005 Certified Teleclass Leader


  • Coach U (200 hours)
  • New York University Professional Coaching Certification program (40 hours) – in service training for faculty.

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